This Week In Worship

Sunday, December 22, 2024
Series: Hope in a Weary World
Rev. John Regan, Executive Minister
Preacher: Rev. Chris Shorow, Senior Minister
We Share Our Gifts

We Hear the Word Proclaimed CLICK HERE for today's Scripture

Reflection: Mary’s song makes it clear: a world filled with food banks, wealth disparity, and systems that perpetuate inequality is far from the world God envisions. The words of Mary’s Magnificat proclaim a world where justice reigns, the hungry are fed, and the lowly are lifted. Her song invites us to imagine a world transformed by God’s justice and to join in the work of liberation. God’s kingdom is not one of complacency but of transformation. Mary has a word to speak to both faith communities and secular culture: acknowledge the brokenness of the present moment, and dare to hope for a future where justice reigns!

We Gather at the Lord’s Table

Jesus didn’t put any rules around coming to the table, so neither do we. All are loved and embraced here and all are welcome at this table of Love. Our communion bread is gluten free. We come forward to the table to receive bread and cup at 9AM, we pass the bread and cup at 11AM. Please place your empty cup in the rack on the pew back. If you are worshipping from home, we invite you to find bread and juice or other elements to use as we share this feast.

We Greet and Go Forth
Engage with your neighbor as you go out to serve and carry God’s love to the world.