Open tables. Spacious faith.
Love in action for all people.
Let’s face it: people today feel as divided as ever.
All across our country, we see families separated by divorce, lifelong friends divided by politics, and entire communities fragmented by race or class. The shouting and finger-pointing have reached a fever pitch, and it feels like there are few places left you can go without picking a fight.
What happened to a future where people genuinely care for one another and work together to do great things—one we’d be proud to pass down to our kids and grandkids?
If you’re exhausted by the division and long to rise above the divisive rhetoric, there’s good news:
Restoration is possible, and it’s happening right now.
There’s a bigger story working to transform our world entirely. It’s curious people, compelled by God’s deep love, opening their hearts and learning to love their neighbors well.
This is why we’re here.
At First Christian Church, we’ve strived to love Edmond well since 1899. We’ve grown into an eclectic bunch of people who don’t all think the same thoughts, dress the same way, vote for the same candidates, or even believe all the same things about the mystery of God.
But we believe we need each other because of our differences, not in spite of them.
We’ve endeavored to create a place of peace, humility, acceptance, and sacrifice, and we’re working together daily to make God’s unifying love known and embraced throughout all of Edmond.
And we want the same for you!
Here, you can get curious again—about God, the way of Jesus, and your role in the story. You can open yourself up to people who will love you for you, learn to live like Jesus, and reclaim a relentless belief in a better future.
So we invite you to join us at First Christian Church to experience open tables, spacious faith, and love in action for all people.
We are a part of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), a Protestant denomination founded on American soil, with a heritage of compassion and concern for all people.
We Believe
in a reasonable faith, based on the study of scripture and unity with Christians everywhere. Like most Christians, Disciples affirm:
Jesus Christ is the son of the Living God, and offers saving grace to all.
All persons are God’s children.
We Practice
An Open Table: The Lord’s Supper, or Communion, is celebrated as the central act of worship. It is open to all who believe in Jesus Christ.
Freedom of belief: Disciples are called together around one essential of faith: belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. We believe all people are created by God and therefore entitled to respect and freedom to think for themselves and to interpret the Bible in their own context.
Baptism by Immersion: In baptism, the old self-centered life is set aside, and a new life of trust in God begins. Although Disciples practice baptism by immersion, other baptismal traditions are honored.
The Ministry of All Believers: Both professional ministers and lay persons, women and men, young and old, lead worship, faith development, and mission and service opportunities.
The Oneness of the Church: All Christians are called to be one in Christ and to seek opportunities for common witness and service.