The Practice of Listening for the Sound of the Genuine
A Practice of Deep Listening - The 'sound of the genuine' is your moral compass, your inner conscious, God's Spirit speaking to your soul. As Howard Thurman writes:
"There is something in every one of you that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself. It is the only true guide you will ever have... And if you cannot hear it, you will all of your life spend your days on the ends of strings that somebody else pulls."
In a world that's constantly trying to tell us who we are, this genuine voice within us—that spark of the divine—reminds us of our sacred worth and calls us to recognize it in others. When we align our lives with this truth, we become fully alive for the healing of the world, creating space for both resistance and transformation.
Thurman speaks to a world overwhelmed by competing voices that seek to capture us, diminish our worth, and determine who belongs. Yet through this cacophony, he teaches that within each of us emanates a still, small voice that speaks in love and guides us toward what holds true importance in our lives. Living attuned to this voice means bearing witness to what matters most through our words, choices, and actions—a form of testimony that naturally resists anything that would silence our authentic truth.
The practice that follows offers a way to cultivate this deep listening, inviting us to move beyond the internal traffic of our minds and into a space where we might hear our own authentic voice.
The Practice
1. Creating Sacred Space
Sit or lie down comfortably, keeping your body relaxed but alert
Take a few slow, deep breaths
Remind yourself that this time is just for listening to what feels most true in your heart.
2. Find Stillness
Notice the busy thoughts in your mind—the background chatter that’s always there.
Let your focus go deeper, like diving beneath choppy waves to find a quiet ocean.
Settle into that calm space, and if other thoughts pop up, gently bring your attention back to the silence.
3. Deep Listening & Reflection
Let these questions come to you naturally—don’t force any answers:
What is one positive “yes” I need to speak more clearly, and what “no” goes with it?
What truth am I holding inside that needs to be shared?
What reminds me of my true worth?
What might I say or do if I weren’t held back by fear?
What piece of wisdom have I yet to claim?
4. Bring It All Together
Slowly bring your focus back to the room.
Notice any insights or feelings that came up.
Think of one small step you can take to honor what you discovered.
If you like, close with the prayer below or simply sit in a moment of quiet gratitude.
Holy One, who plants the sound of the genuine within each soul, help ne to recognize your sacred spark both in myself and in my neighbors—even those I struggle to love—so that I might become fully alive in the work of healing and justice. I pray this in the name of the one who teaches us to let our yes be yes, and our no be no, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Suggestions for Practice
Try incorporating this listening into a Daily Examen: Take 10-15 minutes at day's end to review your day, noticing moments when you felt most authentic and alive, or when something rang especially true to your inner voice
Journal your insights
Remember that the genuine voice often speaks quietly - don't force answers
Regular practice helps clear away what obscures your essential voice
Join us for Come Alive: What the World Needs Now - a worship series February 9 through March 2, 2025 at First Christian Church Edmond.