January Launch of 6x6 Ladies Lunch Groups

CONTACT: Shelley Regan, Director of Community Engagement sregan@fccedmond.org 405.341.3544

Ladies, are you looking for a simple way to connect with other women in our community of faith? A place to form new friendships and deepen old ones? Join a Six-for-Six Lunch Group!

Six-for-Six = 6 ladies + 6 lunches over 6 months – then switch! It’s a simple equation for community and belonging.

Here’s how you can join the fun:

  1. Email women@fccedmond.org or text your name and Six-for-Six to 405.410.6861 by Friday, January 10. (include the name of someone you hope to be in the same group with)

  2. Attend our Six-for-Six Launch Lunch at Noon on Monday, January 13, 2025 at 2 PM, at Jo’s Famous Pizza (900 S. Kelly Ave., Edmond).

  3. RSVPs are REQUIRED as groups are PRE-Formed and you'll be finding out your group at the Launch Lunch (see step 1 above).

Questions? Text 405.410.6861.


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