Mission KC
Are you searching for deeper meaning or purpose? Do you want to show your child or grandchild how they can make a difference? Join us for our Spring Break Mission Trip to Kansas City, MO - March 17 thru 20.
At the heart of the week lies the question: With so much need in this world, how do we begin to make a difference?
We will serve with a variety of Disciples of Christ churches and partner organizations to resolve economic, housing, and food injustice. Along the way we will discover how we, as followers of Jesus, can respond in innovative ways when we see needs in our own community.
This intergenerational mission trip is open to adults, teens, and children (age 5 and up) and is an excellent way for parents or grandparents to help foster a love of serving as they embody the love of Jesus in the world!
Cost: $100 per person and includes meals, lodging (at a church), and travel. (Optional: you may drive separately or carpool, stay in a hotel, and extend your trip if you wish.)
Please don't let the cost of the trip be the reason you don't come - we have some scholarships available.
We can't wait to go serve, learn, and take in all that Kansas City has to offer!
Have questions before you sign up? Contact Shelley Regan, Director of Community Engagement 405.341.3544.