Day 3: Feb. 19
They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. – Acts 2:42
In her autobiography The Long Loneliness, Dorothy Day's closing words are these:
We cannot love God unless we love each other,
and to love we must know each other.
We know him in the breaking of bread,
and we are not alone anymore.
We have all known the long loneliness
and we have learned that the only solution is love
and that love comes with community.
God, we can spend our whole lives searching for things to fill us,
Our whole lives feeling empty,
Our whole lives looking for satisfaction,
Believing we are incomplete.
We try so many things to satisfy this gnawing hunger -
Possessions and pleasure,
Food and drink,
Achievement and status,
Adventure and thrill.
None of these are life.
And the deep soul yearning remains -
To be known,
To be loved,
To be at one,
To be at ease,
To be still,
To be free.
Thank you for sending us Jesus, to offer a new headspace,
a different way of being, a new fuel.
Manna in this desert: The Bread of Life.
What is your soul searching for? In what ways do you feel seen and known? Where have you searched for fulfillment in the past? How can you lean in to God to find true satisfaction?