Day 12: Mar. 11
Because there is one bread, we who are many are one body, for we all partake of the one bread. – 1 Corinthians 10:17
Our communal tables seem to be getting both smaller and faster. Studies show that nearly half of American adult eat most of their meals alone, and one out of five meals are eaten in a car. Food has become a simple transaction. As followers of the Way of Jesus, we are called to do better. The nourishment we give and receive around the table is about more than just a plate of pasta or a bowl of beans. A meal around a table can provide both an intentional place and time for people to build relationships. Jesus often used the table to show us the way to community because a meal is a natural equalizer. Everyone needs to eat. Hunger shows no partiality. It touches the rich and the poor, the famous and the infamous. The table is a place for all. A shared meal not only soothes the pain and loss of the widow and orphan, but also gives them a place to belong. – Jamie Erickson
God of hospitality and goodness,
You have called me to welcome the stranger and to show t
hem your love.
Open my eyes to see who in my life needs companionship. Reveal to me practical ways to help them feel seen, known, and loved.
Wipe away my insecurities and my self-focus that keep me from extending my table to them.
May my home be a place where others can not only be fed a meal,
but also nourished with the Bread of Life.
Communion brings together all types of people, highlighting our need for one another.
When have you experienced a meaningful connection over a shared meal, whether inside or outside of a church context?
When have you experienced hospitality that led to rich community?
Who in your life is a stranger in need of the love of God? What form of hospitality could you extend to that person in this season of life?