Every breath… is a holy gift.
Every breath… can be an invitation to prayer.
Breathing is the bridge between the brain and the body. The practice of Breath Prayers combines deep breathing exercises with prayers of meditation to help calm your body and focus your mind. The Desert Mothers and Fathers chose breath, an ancient and automatic rhythm to learn to "pray without ceasing" (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Their most common breath prayer was an echo of Luke 18:13
Inhale: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God … Exhale: have mercy on me, a sinner.
Breath prayers connect us to God with every intentional breath. We encourage you to add Breath Prayers as a tool in your toolbox for managing and caring for your mental and spiritual health, and teach them to your children.
How to Pray a Breath Prayer:
Inhale & exhale very slowly as you recite the words of each prayer to yourself.
Breathe in deeply & slowly through your nose & feel your lungs fill completely.
Try to focus on filling your lower lungs so your stomach expands while your upper chest remains still.
Then slowly breathe out. The exhale should be the longest.
Empty your lungs slowly & fully.
Meditate on the words of the prayer as you breathe.
Once you have the words memorized, close your eyes as you breathe.
Repeat 5 to 10 times.
You might try:
holding your breath for a count of 3 between inhale and exhale
this breathing pattern: inhale for a count of 4, hold for 4, exhale for 8
adding a simple movement as you breathe – pull your hands into your chest as you breath in, open your hands in surrender as you breathe out
Here some scriptures and prompts to use as Breath Prayers:
Inhale: The Spirit of God has made me… Exhale: the breath of the Almighty gives me life. (Job 33:4)
Inhale: My soul finds rest … Exhale: in God alone. (Psalm 62:1a)
Inhale: May your unfailing love … Exhale: be my comfort. (Psalm 119:76a)
Inhale: Lord, shine Your face on me … Exhale: and give me peace. (Numbers 6:25-28)
Inhale: My help … Exhale: comes from the Lord (Psalm 121:2)
Inhale: I am Yours… Exhale: save me (Psalm 119:94)
Inhale: Consider my affliction… Exhale: and deliver me (Psalm 119:153)
Inhale: The Lord is my shepherd … Exhale: I have all that I need (Psalm 23:1)
Inhale: I will fear no evil … Exhale: for you are with me (Psalm 23:4)
Inhale: the peace of Christ… Exhale the word that fits: worry, anger, guilt, shame
Inhale: help me receive… Exhale: your loving kindness
Inhale: Your mercy dwells… Exhale: in me and around me
Inhale: Because of your love… Exhale: I can love, too
Inhale: In our dispairing world… Exhale: Let me bring hope